Now booking for the 2024 Hunting Season!
Now booking for the 2024 Hunting Season!
Young Bison Bull Hunts
Now booking for the 2024 Hunting Season!

These hunts are for 1.5 year-old bulls, which will be between 800- and 850-pounds live weight. You can anticipate that they will yield approximately 215-240 pounds of good boned meat from each one. It is your responsibility to line up a processor in advance of your hunt and haul the animal to them, but we will field dress the animal for you and load it on your pick-up or trailer. No permit or license is required and there are no other fees. The cost for this hunt is $3,000.
2024 Season: Now Booking!
Terms: We require a 50% down on the total price for whatever number of young bulls you book, due only when it is determined that you have a hunt reserved. If you cancel your hunt for any reason after May 31, there is a $50.00 cancellation fee, and the remainder of your deposit will be returned to you. There is no cancellation charge prior to that date.
You will need to provide your own lodging and food, as needed. But we will have the best guide in the business waiting for you!

Hunts for young buffalo bulls are usually held from September through the middle of November. All hunts start at 8:00 A.M. or 1:00 P.M., Mondays through Saturdays, and no hunting on Sundays. We will book one party or group only per day. There is a limit of no more than three animals per day/group to be taken (can be a combination of young bulls and heifers). These are half-day or one-day hunts, depending on the number taken.
All hunters must be at least 15 years old. These are hunts for experienced hunters and require practice and accuracy. Big game rifles are required, and no close-range weapons may be used, including black powder rifles, handguns, or bows. Please see Firearms under Hunts for further information!

Thank you for considering Twin Pine Bison Company Hunts.
Young Bison Bull Hunts

These hunts are for bulls around 1.5 years old, which will be between 800- and 850-pounds live weight. You can anticipate that they will yield approximately 215-240 pounds of good boned meat from each one. It is your responsibility to line up a processor in advance of your hunt and haul the animal to them, but we will field dress the animal for you and load it on your pick-up or trailer. No permit or license is required and there are no other fees.
2024 Season: Now Booking
Terms: We require a 50% down on the total price for whatever number of young bulls you book, due only when it is determined that you have a hunt reserved. If you cancel your hunt for any reason after May 31, there is a $50.00 cancellation fee, and the remainder of your deposit will be returned to you. There is no cancellation charge prior to that date.
You will need to provide your own lodging and food, as needed. But we will have the best guide in the business waiting for you!

Hunts for young buffalo bulls are usually held from September through the middle of November. All hunts start at 8:00 A.M. or 1:00 P.M., Mondays through Saturdays, and no hunting on Sundays. We will book one party or group only per day. There is a limit of no more than three animals per day/group to be taken (can be a combination of young bulls and heifers). These are half-day or one-day hunts, depending on the number taken.
All hunters must be at least 15 years old. These are hunts for experienced hunters and require practice and accuracy. Big game rifles are required, and no close-range weapons may be used, including black powder rifles, handguns, or bows. Please see Firearms under Hunts for further information!

Thank you for considering Twin Pine Bison Company Hunts.